ABOUT US - Agada Famous


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AGADA FAMOUS is an independent news distributing association, built up in 2016 with the end goal of displaying adjusted scope of occasions, and of advancing the best advantages of Nigeria and Africa (if conceivable). It owes faithfulness to no political gathering, ethnic group, religious or other intrigue gathering. Its essential duty is to the trustworthiness and power of the Federation of Nigeria, and past that to the solidarity and sway of Africa.

AGADA FAMOUS is a liberal Educational news distributing association, focused on the best customs and beliefs of republican majority rule government. It trusts that it is the duty of the state to ensure and safeguard the native, as well as to make the conditions, political, social, monetary and social, in which all residents may accomplish their most astounding potential as people. It is focused on the standard of individual flexibility, however trusts that all residents have obligations and in addition rights.

AGADA FAMOUS does not, on a basic level, question the philosophy of free venture, since this would be conflicting with its responsibility regarding singular freedom and flexibility. However, it trusts that the state must mediate sensibly in the financial existence of the country, with a specific end goal to limit the unfriendly impacts of free undertaking and guarantee that less favored subjects have sensible and reasonable access to the fundamental necessities of life.

AGADA FAMOUS will at all circumstances maintain the requirement for equity, honor in broad daylight life, break even with access to the country's assets, and equivalent assurance under the laws of Nigeria for all natives.

AGADA FAMOUS trusts that Nigeria is a honest to goodness individual from the global group, yet holds that she can best satisfy her universal commitments just if her own security and uprightness are guaranteed.

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